Wednesday, January 18, 2012

World's Strictest Parents

     In today’s class we watched a film called World’s Strictest Parents. I really enjoyed it because in many ways it reminded me of my own family. I come from a generally strict household and I believe in many of the practices that the strict parents had. The video seemed to insinuate that there is a problem with contemporary parenting practices. Though one should not generalize, I think that many can agree with this idea. I think that there is a trend with new parents to try to befriend their children rather than present themselves as a figure of authority. Though parents should maintain a personal and open relationship with their children, there is still a need for structure and balance that cannot be filled by a friend. Children need someone to look critically at their choices and help them choose the path that is best for them because one of the primary characteristics of being a child is a lack of experience. The film definitely favors traditional forms of parenting, but in my personal opinion I am not sure that that is necessarily the answer either. I think that a healthy blend of both traditional and contemporary parenting techniques will benefit a child the most. Many children will not thrive in a very strict environment because they need the nurturing and understanding from a parent figure. Though I am not a parent myself, I firmly believe that a child will flourish if they have a good balance of structure and understanding in their home.

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